The Self Care Suite

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What We Learned At the First Stop of our MAKE ROOM Wellness Tour

June 25 was the first stop of our MAKE ROOM wellness tour, held at Street Craftery creative studio in downtown Akron.

Members of the Suite had such an incredible time getting messy + making one-of-a-kind affirmation art, a reminder that we need to MAKE ROOM for creativity and give ourselves the benefit of a creative outlet as we move through this life.

Some of us find it in song, others express it through dance, others paint and sew and create beautiful accessories. Whatever it is, it sustains us when life feels hard.

Our three tips for cultivating creativity:

  1. FIND YOUR MUSE - Find somebody whose creativity sparks your own. For me, that's Natalyn Bradshaw, a multidisciplinary artist whose words always soothe when I read them.

  2. DON'T JUDGE - We often think our art is not really "art." It's not good enough. We're not "doing it right." But art is one space where there is no right way. It's only YOUR way. And don't we all need more of that?

  3. DABBLE - We don't have to commit to art in the way we commit to our families, our jobs, our responsibilities. We can paint something one week, take a belly dancing class the next, try candle making the following week. WHO CARES? Do what calls to you. Don't limit yourself!

Check out our upcoming stops of the MAKE ROOM wellness tour and make plans to join us as we visit a city near you!